File Deletion Mechanism in Alfresco
Document Management System :
It’s a bit tricky, since Alfresco is designed handle file deletion carefully.
Some values that need to be adjusted in
- When user delete files, it will go directly to the Recycle Bin/Deleted Items. And it will remain there forever until user/admin permanently delete from : Profile in the “Manage Deleted Items” section
- After that, the physical file will still exist in “alf_data/contentstore” directory. Only after passing system.content.orphanProtectDays (in, physical files will be moved from “alf_data/contentstore” directory to “alf_data/contentstore.deleted” directory. The default value is 14 days.
- After that the admin manually/automatically using scheduler can
the contents of “alf_data/contentstore.deleted
” directory
It’s a bit tricky, since Alfresco is designed handle file deletion carefully.
Some values that need to be adjusted in
- system.content.orphanProtectDays is the duration how many days deleted files will be moved from “contentstore” directory to “contentstore.deleted” directory
- system.content.orphanCleanup.cronExpression = 0 0 4 * * ? means the scheduler will run every morning at 4.