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Change Management in CRM Implementation

The success of CRM implementation is not only about technical things. Even more important is how to approach the end user (division sales, marketing, support), and socialize the CRM from the beginning (before the implementation stage). So the rejection of the end user could be decreased. In order to successfully implement CRM, especially to be appreciated from the end user, company...

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ECM (Enteprise Content Management) Functionalities

Some functionalities that ECM covers : Document management - check-in/checkout control, version control, security and library services for business documents Web Content Management - ability to remove the webmaster bottleneck, managing dynamic content and content authoring, general ease of use Records management - ability to comply...

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SugarCRM – Powerful Customer Relationship Management System

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) bukan hanya sebuah konsep atau  sistem, melainkan strategi bisnis dengan tujuan untuk memahami,  mengantisipasi dan mengelola kebutuhan dari organisasi dan pelanggan  yang potensial. Secara ilmiah telah dibuktikan bahwa cost untuk  mengakusisi customer/klien baru jauh lebih besar dibandingkan cost untuk  mempertahankan customer/klien yang sudah ada. Di sinilah peran CRM  sangat menentukan untuk membina hubungan bisnis dengan para customer/klien yang sudah ada...

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Enterprise Content Managament in a Glimpse

Enterprise Content Management or commonly referred to as ECM is a system used to capture, organize or manage content and documents involved in the business process. ECM manage content and documents in its entire life cycle, from creation, delivery, revision, published, and then finally archived. ECM can be used at all levels of work (ranging from marketing, operation,...