
Icon alfresco mobile

Tutorial Alfresco Smartphone Ipad, Iphone, Android – iOS

Here is a tutorial mobile Alfresco: Ipad, Iphone, Android. using the OS: OS Android : iOS 6 Application : Alfresco 4.0e Community ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.  Install app  Alfresco mobile : Ipad, Iphone, Android from the App Store. These icons display on mobile Ipad Alfresco: 2. Open the Alfresco application, and then click More - Manage Account to login to the server...

Alfresco in Cloud

Installing and Configuring Alfresco Desktop Sync

Server: Linux Centos x64  Client: Windows 7  Application: Alfresco Community 4.0e  ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download Alfresco Sync desktop applications  2. Install Alfresco Sync desktop application  3. After Alfresco Sync desktop application installed, there will be AlfrescoSync icon on the desktop.  Double click the icon AlfrescoSync, it will appear like the picture below:  4. Create New Account. Adjust with existing...

ACC-ALf-Mobile- Alfresco-Android

Alfresco Smartphone – Android

OS Android : Gingerbread  ---------------------------------------------------------- Install applications ACC - ALF Mobile The first time you open the application ACC - ALF Mobile then you will see Add content repository.  Click Yes. Select the type of server, select the Alfresco server by clicking the button Alfresco Server Details: Credentials Hostname: User: togum Password: ****** Advanced Configuration HTTPS: not checked Port: 80 URL: /alfresco/service/cmis Repository Repository Name: Type anything - it's a personnal label/id for...

Alfresco in Cloud

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Linux

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Linux For alfresco installation process on Linux and Windows are the same. Here's a screenshot of the installation process on Linux Alfresco 4.2 b: 1. Language selection 2. Alfresco Community Setup 3. Installation type Chose Advance-Configures server ports and services properties 4. Select the application 5. Select where to save the patch to be installed alfresco folder 6. Enter port...

Alfresco in Cloud

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Windows

Alfresco 4.2.b Installation Tutorial on Windows For alfresco installation process on Linux and Windows are the same. Here's a screenshot of the installation process on Windows Alfresco 4.2 b: 1. Language selection 2. Alfresco Community Setup 3. Installation type Chose Advance-Configures server ports and services properties 4. Select the application 5. Select where to save the patch to be installed alfresco folder 6. Enter port...

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Alfresco Meetup November 2012, Jakarta – Indonesia

This November will be held back Alfresco Meetup, Jakarta, Indonesia, which had previously been held regularly every month since June 2011. The meetup will be held on 29 November 2012 with the topic of discussion; - Recap Alfresco Developer Conference that was held in early November - Adaptive Case Management Toolbox Venue: Elite Club Meeting Room, Epicentrum, Epicentrum complex, Rasuna Said...

Performance Tuning in Liferay

There are several things to consider in improving the performance of Liferay: 1. Properties There are several configurations portal that can improve performance: last.modified.check=false Disable checking last modified date on server side CSS and Javascript Load the theme’s merged CSS files for faster loading for production Load the javascript files for faster loading for production 2. Servlet Filters Disable all unused servlet...

Online Preview in Liferay

Steps to install the online preview Liferay on linux:1. Install ImageMagick:apt-get install imagemagick2. Log in as Administrator Portal3. Navigate to ControlPanel -> Administration Server4. On the menu tabs select External Service5. To activate ImageMagick, check the enable ImageMagick6. Fill Path with / usr / bin, how to find out by typing in the terminal :"which convert" Default settings: note: "sign # is not filled"Default setting:  Change to::

OpenOffice Integration Liferay

Installing OpenOffice in your Operating System: If your OS is XP / Windows7 follow these steps: 1. Install v2.0.3 or any other version. 2. Navigate to C: \ Program Files \ \ Programs folder in the command prompt . 3. run the following command: soffice-headless-accept = "socket, host =, port = 8100, URP,"-nofirststartwizard. 4. Then Restart If your Linux Operating System follow these steps: 1. Install Package v2.0.3 OpenOffice or any other...