
E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce is an activity that involves the buying and selling of products, services and information that will be conducted electronically by using computer networks, namely the Internet. The function of e-commerce itself is easier for the user to provide a place to market and sell products or services that can be managed by utilizing the internet.
As for some of the advantages that the user can have on e-commerce:
  • E-commerce may facilitate the marketing of products to sell.
  • With e-commerce, payments can be made online and of course make it easier for shoppers.
  • E-commerce will be able to help sellers to expand the range of potential customers.
  • E-commerce can certainly facilitate communication between buyers and sellers with some features chat or message.
  • Assist buyers in finding the desired item by using the search feature based on the metadata that you want, and with these buyers do not need to bother to find the desired item. The search feature is also equipped with a filter function on every search.
The current trend of e-commerce in Indonesia has been growing rapidly, seen by banyakan e-commerce sites that exist today. As for some kind of e-commerce as follows:
  • E-commerce Business to Business (B2B) business is carried out by the two parties that have joint business interests and are bound to one another.
  • E-Commerce Business to Consumer (B2C), including the type of business most in demand in Indonesia, this species is usually done between businesses with consumers.
  • E-Commerce Consumer to Consumer is a business that is done between the consumer and the consumer, such as an online shop.
  • E-Commerce consumen to Business is a type of e-commerce made by consumers to producers who will sell products or services.
E-commerce also has some disadvantages. One disadvantage that most of us know that in terms of security. Weakness on the side of security in e-commerce software is very detrimental to the company. And indeed not a few web-based system and database penetrated by hackers. But for e-commerce is very important to revamp the company in terms of security in order to assist in building trust with existing customers.
One solution of E-Commerce is Magento. Softbless Solutions has become the provider of the implementation of E-Commerce in Indonesia using solution Magento, Make us your partner in the implementation of E-Commerce by using a solution Magento. Please contact us here.

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