Knowledge Management is the discipline to identify, manage, store and retrieve knowledge from and to the members of the organization. Whereas tools for knowledge management can be made electronically using Knowledge Management Software Applications.
Deliver, Manage and Store Knowledge to be More OrganizedInformativeAccurate
Knowledge Management can be your solution, if your company experiences problems like the following:
The product / service that you provide has a Steep Learning Curve (something that is difficult to learn), so new employees requires quite a long onboarding time
Knowledge that is owned by the company is often lost because the Key Person resigns from the Company
At working, your team reinvents the wheel fairly often. The same needs or problems repeatedly arise, and team members must carry out tracing and troubleshooting from the start for the same problem.
Knowledge Management (KM) is very useful if new person enters or resigns from company. KM is required by companies to maintain and enhance the competitive power. KM is more of a “discipline” rather than “behavior”. Discipline to pour tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge.
Improving knowledge and skills owned by the organization
Changing patterns of collaboration – every member organizations collaborate through sharing of experience and knowledge they have
Creating a more skilled and competitive workforce
Spend less time recreating existing knowledge
Ease to find information and knowledge that is fast and accurate
Better decision making. With the availability of information and knowledge from the company’s actual experience, decision makers have a better foundation
Broadcast important information quickly and broadly
Providing a place for collaboration of experts / Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Reuse problem solving from previous experience
A good Knowledge Management must have a character that is easy to use, easy to customize, collaborative functionality, can be access from any device and secure. KM can use several tools in the implementation, such as Liferay.
Liferay is included as a Leader
in the Gartner Magic Quadrant
Liferay won the Quadrant Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for 10 consecutive years, from 2000-2020.
Liferay is a Corporate Portal solution and Open Source Intranet Software Portal. As a leader, Liferay has features and benefits that meet the standards as a good Knowledge Management.
Knowledge Management Features in Liferay:
Ease of Use, Liferay has intuitive and ease to use interface. Repositioning or Customizing content can be easily done using drag and drop feature
Freedom of Personalization, it allows user to set their pages look, personal document and set who can access to it
Submit Article. Each employee can submit articles / content that they have
Activities Point, every activity carried out in Liferay can be given a point. For example, reading an article gets 1 point, submits the article and the article is approved, gets 3 points, etc.
Access Permission, Liferay can be configured to provide granular access permissions. We can determine certain people can view, read, update, delete a content / discussion
Social media. The concept of Knowledge Management can be packaged in the form of Social Media. Liferay can facilitate
Workflow Approval. Any content submitted by employees, will go through a moderation process by certain parties. If approved, the article will be accessible to others
Community of Practice (COP) forum for discussion
Video player
Recent content, to display the latest articles, forum posts and content
Calendar, to display Knowledge Sharing events, training or other seminars
Recent activities, to display the latest activities carried out by the user
Taxonomy, Liferay facilitates taxonomy in the form of tagging and categories. In Liferay several types of categories can be created & also facilitate sub categories
Announcement, giving announcements regarding important events or information
KM Champion Hall of Fame, showing the highest point winner in a certain period
Social media. Knowledge Management concepts can be used in the form of Social Media. Liferay can facilitate functionality :
Update status
Follow other user
Connect with other User
Softbless , Indonesia, provides services for the implementation, customization, support and training for Liferay Enterprise Portal.
With years of experience in implementing, configuring, and optimizing supports from diverse set of BOSSIE Award-winning open-source solutions, Softbless Solutions, through services it offer, has successfully helped companies in building comprehensive, quick, precise, efficient and most-valued services over various problems and challenges. Now, as a proof of its dedication to providing better service, Softbless Solutions proudly presents upgrade to its service with a partnership breakthrough with Liferay Inc.
Softbless is Liferay partner in Indonesia. As their partner, we believe we could increate the service quality in implementation
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