Project Management Software

Project Management Software Project Management Software is a system used to plan schedules, organizing resources, controlling, monitoring, and tracking the progress of projects. Project Management Tool is extremely helpful for project managers to make sure the project assigned runs correctly, practically, and on time. With this software, you will be able to plan, monitor, and track your project more efficiently. Problems that often occur related to project management are :
  • A project is often not completed on time according to the set schedule.
  • Difficulty in figuring out the utilization level of each resource.
  • Lack of coordination among project personnels.
  • Mismanaging projects can cause additional budgets beyond the budget that has been set.
  • Find it hard to know the status task of each project team member.

PlanningMonitoringTracking your project more efficient

All problems mentioned above can be handled well if a company has a reliable system in managing a project, which is management software.

Benefits of Applying Project Management Software :

  • The project productivity will increase.
  • Eliminate ‘reinventing the wheels’ so that standardization of repetitive project work can be carried out.
  • Work efficiency, both in terms of resources, costs, and time.
  • Improve the quality of project deliveries.
  • Easily have better coordination in completing a project.
  • The project control system will be better so that it can run according to the set plans and goals.
  • Well-managed projects will increase the motivation of each team member.
  • Minimize the number of tasks that will probably be missed.
  • Maximize the empowerment of projects’ resources.
Redmine is software that has complete project management functionalities. By using Redmine, project managers will be able to easily achieve projects’ goals.

Redmine as Project Management Software has complete functional features that project management software should has

Redmine is open source which can increase cost efficiency with maximum results and functionality.

The features of Redmine as Project Management Software include :

  • Multi-project. Redmine can help you to create multiple projects. Every user will have different access in every project.
  • Gantt charts and calendars. Every Task Start Date and Due Date will automatically appear in Redmine’s Gantt Chart and Calendar.
  • Task Management. You can create tasks for every project personnel. You can also configure the priority, status, and due date of every task.
  • Sub Project. Every project can have several related sub projects.
  • Security, Access Right, and Permission. You can easily determine the custom role and set permission for every user in every project.
  • Scheduled Recurring Task. Repetitive tasks can be automatically made in particular periods.
  • Task Templates. Titles and descriptions of tasks can be made as templates so that you can easily create other tasks.
  • Chart. This functionality can help you to easily analyze project situations and conditions.
  • Workflow Transition. Existing business processes can be facilitated by the workflow transition feature.
  • Time tracking. With this feature, users can input how many hours spent for certain tasks or projects.
  • Custom fields for task, project, and user entities.
  • News to inform team members about important news or information.
  • File and Document Management.
  • Wiki and Forum for collaboration and discussion.
  • E-mail notifications for new tasks, pending tasks, and others.
  • LDAP authentication.
  • Multi-language support, including Bahasa Indonesia.
PT. Softbless Solutions has skills and experiences in implementing project management by using Redmine. We are a trusted partner in implementing Project Management Software for your company and institution. Please contact us for consultation about your company requirements and get information related to implementation services we provide.

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