Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1

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The Document Library portlet on previous version was changed and renamed into Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1. Some new features you should know on Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1 are:

Document Types and Metadata Sets

In Liferay Documents and Media, when the user requires keeping their files into a document, the users required to fill out the fields defined by the metadata which set the document types. So the user will be easy to remember their document by adding a defined metadata into their document. Furthermore, by adding metadata information, the user will be easy finding their document by searching facility.
The Document Library portlet on previous version was changed and renamed into Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1. Some new features you should know on Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1 are:

Document Types and Metadata Sets

In Liferay Documents and Media, when the user requires keeping their files into a document, the users required to fill out the fields defined by the metadata which set the document types. So the user will be easy to remember their document by adding a defined metadata into their document. Furthermore, by adding metadata information, the user will be easy finding their document by searching facility.
The Document Library portlet on previous version was changed and renamed into Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1. Some new features you should know on Liferay Documents and Media on Liferay Portal 6.1 are:

Document Types and Metadata Sets

In Liferay Documents and Media, when the user requires keeping their files into a document, the users required to fill out the fields defined by the metadata which set the document types. So the user will be easy to remember their document by adding a defined metadata into their document. Furthermore, by adding metadata information, the user will be easy finding their document by searching facility.
In addition, when the users need to create a new document types, the user should define one or more metadata sets information to associate with document type. The user can define "Main Metadata Fields" or select "Additional Metadata Fields" from Add button located in top of dialog button.

Automatic Preview Generation

This feature are powerful and help user to preview documents, image or video first, before they need to download it and also browse media what they are looking for. Document preview is according types of the content. Types of document available to preview before the user download from Documents and Media whenever it's possible are: Office documents (such as .docx, .pdf, .odt, .ppt, etc.), multimedia (play various video and audio media formats from the browser, configured by Xuggler in audio and video player configuration), OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and ImageMagick (pdf conversion).
Sample of multim​edia automatic preview generation

Document Type Restrictions and Workflow per Folder

This feature is powerful feature to enforce rules for documents uploaded by users. So the user not able to add all types of document, only certain document types to add to a folder. As default configuration, a parent folder is not accessible by child folders and can be customized by editing the folder and selecting the allowed document types.

Only certain types of document and workflow can be added

WebDAV Access

WebDAV or Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning is a set of method to permit the user in create, edit, move, or delete files stored on web servers. Therefore, the user can access their documents and folders in Liferay's Documents and Media library from they own machine's file manager. For example, when the user create new image in folder by Documents and Media and uploaded it, then they can access the folder and also the image using a browser and Liferay's web interface by appropriate permissions from administrator. Therefore, the user needs to log in to the portal in credential and find WebDAV URL where the user likes to access. This feature is also support most major operating system and also desktop environment, including Linux (both KDE and GNOME), Mac OS, and Windows.

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